
By Emma Jeng|27/09/2018
Heart Positivity Valentines Coaching Counselling Therapty Anxiety Depression Guidance Psychology


Did you know that approx. 95% of our behaviours, habits and beliefs come from our subconscious mind?

Our subconscious mind is primarily developed in the first 7years of life, based upon how we perceived the world and how we were treated. What were the early childhood messages you received?

The subconscious mind is what governs our life and we are very often not conscious of it. I’m sure we’ve all experienced driving, or walking somewhere and being so lost in our thoughts and conversations that we don’t actually remember how we got there.  That is the subconscious mind at work!

The subconscious mind can process thousands of events at one time and averages at 40million bits of info per second. The logical mind is approximately 5% of the mind and it is what we use to make decisions, plan, and it processes around 1-3 events at one time, with approx. 40 bits of info per second.

We can have negative habits, thoughts, memories and beliefs in the subconscious mind that are counteractive to what we want to do, or who we want to be. Using PSYCH-K® it is possible to change these beliefs on a subconscious level in under 10 minutes!

Once a belief or behaviour is within the subconscious mind you will automatically begin to think, act and be in accord with that belief. It is very similar to recording a new song over an old tape, or editing a word document with new information. The results are instant.

PSYCH-K is a groundbreaking way of achieving results very quickly.  I have witnessed people overcome fears, phobias, emotional trauma, painful memories, and poor habits in just one to two sessions. Along with goal setting to solidify your new subconscious beliefs.