
Foot Massage Relax Pamper Reflexology Well Being Treat

Is Reflexology Safe To Have Throughout Pregnancy?

I was prompted to write a short piece about the work that we Reflexologists do and to hopefully bust the myth that reflexology isn’t safe during pregnancy.

Firstly if you think you are pregnant you should always tell your practitioner as treatments are much more gentle during pregnancy up to 38 weeks. My lady at the show said: ‘what if you touch the wrong bit by accident’. I assured her that as trained professional we don’t make mistakes like that, and there is no secret point on the foot if touched accidentally would cause a miscarriage!

Our bodies are equipped with amazing self healing capabilities but sometimes vital energy pathways can become blocked due to the stresses and strains of life. By applying pressure to certain zones of the feet that relate to organs, glands and other parts of the body we can shift deposits, blockages and disperse stress patterns, relieving tension and restoring balance. Reflexology can also improve circulation and help to eliminate toxins from the body, very important during pregnancy.

The first three months of pregnancy can often be the most worrying time, with so many overwhelming changes going on with the body, physically, mentally and emotionally. Maternity reflexology can be effective in treating many common ailments such as morning sickness, digestive disorders and heartburn, lower back pain and nausea to mention just a few. Reflexology is a great way to relax and give your internal organs a chance to ‘breathe’ as well as…..

•Relax body and mind , an essential part of a healthy viable pregnancy
•Balance hormones
•Help boost your immune system
•Increase circulation
•Help regulate sleep patterns
•When the time is right prepare your body and bring about natural birth

Many of our clients come to us when they are trying to conceive so it’s wonderful to be part of the journey to motherhood. After conception we will normally see clients monthly up to week 36, then increase treatments to prepare for natural birth.