PSYCH-K® is a groundbreaking approach to modifying subconscious beliefs and behaviours, helping you to live your life to your fullest potential.
It is subconscious thoughts, patterns and behaviours that will shape and direct our life. It can be particularly challenging to change subconscious thoughts because we are often unaware of them, 95% of the mind is subconscious and 5% of the mind is logical.
A substantial proportion of the subconscious mind is established by the age of seven and forms the foundation of the attitudes, thoughts feelings about self, and our perception of life. What were the first seven years of your life like? You will likely notice that your life reflects these foundational beliefs/perceptions of self and the world. It is very common to notice repeat situations, people and behaviours mirroring back to you what is in your subconscious mind.
PSYCH-K® supports people in discovering and recognising the root cause of their subconscious issues and resolving them on any level – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. It is relevant for any aspect of life – Grief/Loss, Relationships, Career, Prosperity, Personal Power, Self-Esteem, Spirituality, Health/Body.
A PSYCH-K® session gives you the opportunity to recognise and create new beliefs to put into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind processes at a greater speed and capacity than the conscious mind, so if you create new thoughts and feelings in the subconscious part of your mind, you have a much greater chance of making that change. You can create beliefs that are in alignment with who you truly are and your desired goals.
A session will explore the issue you wish to change, create a solution, new belief statement and then through muscle testing and simple movements you will clear and balance both hemispheres of the brain and incorporate your new belief statement into the subconscious mind. You will then create some action steps to commit to your new mindset. Deeper issues will require further sessions to resolve.
What is PSYCH-K®?
A PSYCH-K® session is seated and is a conversation with a facilitator who will listen and help you explore your chosen issue at a subconscious level. A facilitator will help you, recognise what you want/need and create new healthy beliefs to put into the subconscious mind. A metaphor would be to compare it to deleting words on a computer document and inputting new words; the difference is, you’re doing it in your sub-conscious mind.
Who is PSYCH-K® for?
It is suitable for anybody struggling to change their negative subconscious beliefs and behaviours, it can help you to live your life to your fullest potential. There are no contra-indications to having a PSYCH-K® session. It is suitable for adults and children.
Why work with the Subconscious mind?
It is subconscious thoughts, patterns and behaviours that will shape and direct our life. 95% of the mind is subconscious and 5% of the mind is logical. Our negative thoughts/behaviours and habits are what we can struggle to change because they are usually connected to negative beliefs stored in the subconscious mind; which is primarily developed in the first seven years of life.
The subconscious mind processes at a greater speed and capacity than the conscious mind, so if you create new thoughts and feelings in the subconscious part of your mind, you have a much greater chance of making that change. You can create subconscious beliefs that are also in alignment with your conscious mind. When both minds are aligned you will be whole brained, congruent and in-tune with who you are, your purpose and goals.
Who would benefit from PSYCH-K®?
Anybody who is struggling to change in their life. PSYCH-K® supports people in discovering and recognising the root cause of their subconscious issues and resolving them on any level – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.
It is relevant for any aspect of life – Grief/Loss, Relationships, Career, Prosperity, Personal Power, Self-Esteem, Spirituality, Health/Body.
There are countless issues/patterns/behaviours you may wish to change. Some examples are: anxiety, stuck feelings, stuck thoughts, trauma, phobias, negative habits, addiction, managing pain, illness, managing ADHD…
What happens in a session?
- A session will explore and discuss the issue you wish to change and how it effects your life. You would then create a goal statement based upon what you want instead. You would be creating this statement to put into your subconscious mind. For example, you could have subconscious beliefs and behaviours around not feeling good enough, or a phobia of heights. A new belief statement could be “I am worthy” “I am good enough” “I feel safe at heights”
- Through muscle testing (similar to Kinesiology muscle testing) we will check to see if your subconscious mind believes/is aligned with your new goal statement.ie “I am worthy.” “I feel safe at heights”
(If it is, you can adjust the statement). If it’s not in agreement you can do some simple eye and body movements to input this statement into the subconscious mind and balance both hemispheres of the brain.
- You will muscle test again to check if the subconscious mind believes and is aligned to your new goal statement. This process will continue until your subconscious mind is balanced and whole-brained (subconscious & conscious) about this statement.
- You will then create some action steps to commit to your new mindset. For example, “what can you do that will help you feel worthy/be this version of yourself?”
- Arrange and have a free check-in telephone call/email at a future date to discuss the changes you are experiencing and any queries.
*Deeper issues will require further sessions to resolve completely, this would be discussed in your session/or check-in.
*The PSYCH-K® process is for modifying beliefs. It is complementary and not a replacement for medical attention or professional mental health care.